MOOO - Massive Open Online Officehours

In a traditional course, taking questions from 40 students during office hours would be ambitious. With the advent of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), each Teaching Assistant could be assigned thousands of students. How then do you efficiently address all the questions your students have?

MOOO (Massive Open Online Officehours) addresses this problem by allowing students to post questions online and collaboratively decide which questions should receive top priority.

- The list of questions is up before office hours, enabling students and TAs to think about questions and prepare beforehand, maximizing efficient use of the TA's precious office hours.

- While the basic tool is free, premium features will include enabling instructors to save videos of sessions, and timestamping videos based on when TAs indicate questions were answered.

MOOCs have taken the first giant step towards bringing education to the masses. With MOOO, we hope to likewise play a part in beefing up education to scale.